
This blog discusses a new approach to determine and validate effective measures to mitigate the risks of airborne particles based on the distribution of aerosols carrying pathogens exhaled by humans in closed spaces.

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Lessons learned from a global pandemic - and the remaining problem

Many countries worldwide recently succeeded in containing the spread of the COVID-19 disease by drastic confinements, regular testing, and an increasing vaccination rate. However, these measures are unsuitable for an extended period of time nor is it possible to vaccinate humans against every harmful aerosol. There is an urgent need for actionable and effective procedures to sustainably contain the risks of infection without harming the economy and society.


Effects & consequences of the problem - a need for action


  • 基于所选通风法的空气交换有多均匀?
  • 在同一空间,活动,通风配置,温度等中的人数如何影响空气质量和空气循环?
  • 哪些措施可以改善空气交换的统一性?
  • 在考虑相关投资的同时,采取了最大程度地降低感染风险的最有效的保护措施?


  • How wide and how many windows should be opened to exchange the air equally?
  • 二氧化碳传感器可以尽早警告以使窗户打开的最佳位置是什么?
  • 二氧化碳传感器可以通知可以关闭窗户可接受的新鲜空气水平的最佳位置是什么?

In the case of air filter devices:

  • How effective are air filter devices to improve the air quality in the selected situation?
  • What is the best number, performance, and position of air filter devices to achieve the highest effectiveness?


What are appropriate and effective protection measures?



基于开源CFD软件OpenFOAM,,,,ESI developed a solution that allows you to evaluate ventilation situations in a small amount of time. This solution is based on physically validated simulation models for turbulence, buoyancy, droplet size distribution, heat flux, radiation, as well as transient impulses.

We combined these underlying flow regimes in a steady-state simulation methodology which enables us to analyze the air exchange process while considering influencing factors like ventilation configuration, temperature, humidity, gravity, as well as peoples’ activities like breathing, talking, or shouting.




Assessment of natural ventilation possibilities

Many offices, schools and universities, administrative facilities, community centers, religious and cultural facilities do not have ventilation systems and need to rely on natural ventilation. For operators and users, it is unclear at what time and to what extent the used air can be replaced by fresh air.

The introduced simulation methodology allows determining the effect of opening windows under various wind and temperature conditions on the air exchange. This enables operators to make informed decisions on meaningful ventilation intervals or the need for additional improvement measures.

Comparison of the effect of different opening angles of windows on the airflow and air exchange efficiency
Comparison of the effect of different opening angles of windows on the airflow and air exchange efficiency


In open-plan offices and, even more frequently, public transportation, many people meet in confined, enclosed spaces for an extended period of time. To evaluate the risk of workers or passengers being exposed to a critical number of pathogens, further aspects must be considered in addition to the ventilation system and the number of people. These are people’s activities like breathing, talking, and shouting, as well as protection measures such as wearing a mask.

The proposed simulation methodology allows examining the air quality under these conditions and the effect of different occupancy levels and climate conditions. The comparison of manifold settings of all influencing parameters allows identifying best and worst cases scenarios as well as acceptable occupancy levels considering predefined thresholds of aerosol concentration. Also, informed decisions can be made on which additional protection measures like installing air filters or glass shields between seating rows would be necessary and effective.


Validation of safety (distance) rules under different ventilation conditions


我们的仿真方法允许确定新鲜空气到达操作员的有效效率,以及从污染源中发射有害气溶胶的发射可能会影响附近工作的操作员。如果发生咳嗽或打喷嚏等极端呼吸事件,呼出颗粒的轨迹说明了环境的直接污染。此外,可以轻松地研究旨在保护工人免受潜在有毒物体过度接触潜在毒物的工作计划和工作指导的有效性虚拟现实environment and the effect of alternative ventilation configurations and designs can be evaluated comparatively.


Validation of air filters



Investigation of the influence of fans and diffusers on air circulation


移动医疗单元中的新鲜空气指数,带有中央通风入口和不同的风扇 - 扩散器组合。
移动医疗单元中的新鲜空气指数,带有中央通风入口和不同的风扇 - 扩散器组合。

Communication and Visualization



A Virtual Reality walk-through illustrates the stale air pockets with dark grey point clouds and airflow with arrows of an operating theatre.
A Virtual Reality walk-through illustrates the stale air pockets with dark grey point clouds and airflow with arrows of an operating theatre.


Do you need to know how to improve air quality in your area of responsibility?登记对于我们的免费讲习班 - 作为我们OpenFoam会议的一部分 - 于2021年10月21日:从Covid -19中学到的空气质量课程 - 由CFD和传感器数据支持的智能通风

等不及了吗?手表我们的On-Demand Workshop: COVID-19 Minimize the risk of infection & increase confidence in safety
