Bombardier Exceeding Customer Expectations with IC.IDO



Christophe Tilan


When Bombardier won a high profile contract to supply 47 INNOVIA METRO 300 rotary two-car trains for a metro line in Saudi Arabia, it knew that expectations were high – Riyadh’s stated ambition is to have the best metro system in the world when it opens in 2018. However, the situation was also highly competitive, as two leading competitors had also been awarded contracts to supply exactly the same design of train for other lines within the City. Not only that, but the schedule imposed on the three firms was identical. With a total contract value of $385 million and the potential for future business, the Bombardier team had to prove its capacity to deliver on time and to a high standard. It was understood that, in order to ensure a competitive edge, Bombardier must exceed expectations. To do this, Bombardier decided to prove its capability through the use of ESI’s Virtual Reality (VR) technology.

(Fig.1) Simulated and rendered views in IC.IDO of the Riyadh metro vehicle.

Bombardier is a long time user ofESI’s IC.IDO Virtual Reality software。数据通过其产品生命周期管理系统从公司的CATIA V5 CAD必威老虎机下分技巧系统无缝流入IC.IDO,以生成虚拟3D模型。“We can view the developed vehicle on high resolution ‘powerwalls’ – and even touch it”, says Helmut Dietz, Head of Digital Manufacturing at Bombardier Transportation.

庞巴迪发现IC.IDO虚拟原型和制造方法学简化了产品生命周期。“This way, development and installation steps can be accelerated, optimized or done away with entirely”,解释Dietz。此外,VR使工程师和经理能够在实时和全球不同地点进行的联合评论中做出更精确,更快的决策。正是这种对VR如何使用的理解ic.ido已经改变了庞巴迪工程工作的方式,导致团队决定扩大其用途,以帮助与客户沟通有关尚未物理存在的火车。

“Internally, we all understood how VR helped us with validating designs, manufacturability, accessibility, ergonomics, even maintenance”,Riyadh Metro项目的项目经理Christophe Tilan解释说。“We thought, if it helps us communicate internally, it’ll help us communicate with our customers too. We were right.”庞巴迪团队决定将其VR模式带到沙特阿拉伯,以便所有主要利益相关者,包括该省州长,王室成员,政府部长都可以欣赏其所有细微的火车。

庞巴迪内部使用的虚拟工程模型非常准确,但缺乏纹理和照明效果。为了使虚拟火车的模型更加现实,庞巴迪要求ESI添加这些效果。除了美学外,该团队还希望沙特阿拉伯的观众能够实时彻底审问模型,因此可以开放门和储物室,并可以实现不同的观点。VR的美丽在于,可以探索通常看不到的事物,例如虚拟火车下方的电缆系统。从德国运送4m x 3M Powerwall并在利雅得组装它并不是卑鄙的壮举。“我们信任ESI为我们提供这个项目”, says Tilan,“他们知道赌注很高,他们没有令人失望。”

Fig.2: Simulated and rendered views in IC.IDO of the Riyadh metro vehicle

A scant 15 minutes was all that was scheduled for the demonstration of the virtual model, but the stakeholders were so engaged in the exploration that it stretched to double the allotted time. The Governor had the tracked master glasses, while the ESI operator was controlling movement on the train following the presenter’s commentary. The 20-strong audience, who all donned 3D glasses, were able to make requests. Bombardier also provided a tablet 360° virtual visit tool which had been loaded with six predefined spots on the virtual train, complete with design book renderings and 360° movement using the tablets accelerometers. The Governor spotted an immediate change that needed to be made to improve flow within the train.“Being able to make an early design change like this undoubtedly saved time and money”, explains Tilan.“我们收到的反馈绝大多数是积极的。我们成功地超出了客户的期望。由于这一经验,我们决定与客户一起推出VR会议,以作为将来所有新合同的标准。”

Fig.3: Demonstration of the virtual model


  • Fostering trust early in a major contract, getting buy-in from key decision makers
  • 证明庞巴迪在技术上是领先于曲线的
  • 节省了时间和金钱,因为设计实际上是进行了更改
  • Creating an aesthetically pleasant, fully functional 1:1 scale VR model using pre-existing CAD data
  • Superb PR from the event, with five television crews attending, giving prestigious media exposure in the region

About Bombardier

As the world’s leading manufacturer of both planes and trains, Bombardier built an extensive and diverse portfolio of winning mobility solutions. Everywhere people travel by land and in the air, a Bombardier product is ready to transport them. From category-defining business jets and commercial aircraft designed for the challenges of today, to sleek high speed trains and public transit that’s smarter than ever. But it’s not just our products and services that make us a global leader. The most important success factor is our employees, all 70,900 of them. Together we’re focused on making mobility more efficient, sustainable and inviting than ever before. We call it The Evolution of Mobility. Bombardier is headquartered in Montréal, Canada. Our shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD) and we are listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index. In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015, we posted revenues of $18.2 billion.

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